My background: how and why my childhood experiences shaped me to spend half a century in India.

The Thacher School

The Setting for The Thacher School on the Edge of Ojai Valley

We Lived in an Apartment Attached to the Thacher Upper School Dorm.

Ian, Elizabeth & Gregor McDougall, 1963

Ian McDougall as Trapper n the Yukon

Jack Huyler & His Horse Dreamy - both aged 16

Jack Huyler. at Thacher, 1968

Jack & Stephen Huyler on Jack's 80th

Margaret Huyler, 1982

Margaret Huyler Riding a Barrel Bull in her 50s

Stephen's Favorite Memory with His Mother, 1983

Margaret & Jack Huyler's Wedding 3.28.42

Jack & Margaret Huyler, Bear Paw Ranch,1946

Stephen's Baptism, Thacher Outdoor Chapel, 1951

Jack & Margaret Huyler's 60th Anniversary, 2002

Helene Wheeler' s HighSchool Portrait, 1967 - Kept on Stephen's Bedside Table 1968

Helene & Stephen Huyler's Wedding Portrait, 12.20.73

Helene Huyler's Going Away Outfit, 1973

Helene Huyler, 2017

Stephen & Helene Celebrating their 60th Birthdays

The Huyler Family in their Volkwagon Camperbus, Munich, 1960

Huyler Family with the Ark and Horse Trailer, 1961

Reginald & Gladys Laubin with Lakota Chiefs One Bull and White Bull

Stevie with Reg Laubin, 1956

Henry G Appenzeller & His Great Grandson, 2002

Reginald & Gladys Laubin in their Tipi, 1950s

The Noble Family in Korea in the 1890s

The Marriage of Henry D Appenzeller & Ruth Noble, Seoul, Korea, 1918

Stephen Baptized by His Grandfather, Henry D Appenzeller

Captain Jack on West Mtn, China 1945

The Noble-Appenzeller Reunion at the Rocking H Ranch, 1955

The Porter Family Reunion, Camden, Maine, 2016

Grandma, Aunt Manie, & Grandmommy, 1969

Grandma - Margaret Porter Huyler 1

Grandmommy - Ruth Noble Appenzeller, Seoul, Korea, 1959

Mary Hamilton (Aunt Manie)

Jack and Coulter Huyler in the US Army, June 1942

Coulter and Jack Huyler in Bombay, 1945

Anne Huyler Baker in Maine

Andree Schlemmer

Krotona Theospophical Institute, Ojai, CA

Lecture at Krotona, Ojai

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Jack Huyler Playing Guitar & Singing 1965

Stephen in Senior Play at Thacher

Stephen & Andy Rossmann on Graduation Day, 1969

Stephen & Andy, 11.24

Ruth Huyler Glass

John Huyler, 2019

The Three Siblings, 1954

The Three Siblings - Stephen, Ruth, & John, 2016

Andy, John, Ruth, & Steve, 2024

Beatrice Wood When I First Got To Know Her

Stephen & Beatrice

Beatrice Wood - Stephen's Lifelong Mentor
Chapter Sixteen doesn’t lend itself to illustration, so the next illustrated chapter is seventeen. Enjoy!