Traveling to gather information on Indian terracottas, I grow increasingly fascinated with women’s sacred and decorative art in rural villages. My third book, Painted Prayers (published in 1994), is based upon interviews and photographs throughout India, while coordinated exhibitions are displayed in museums in the US, Europe, and India.

Bidulata Hota ("Maushi") Bantaligram, Puri District, Orissa

Bidulata Hota ("Maushi") Bantaligram, Puri District, Orissa

Bidulata employs a Homemade Brush to Paint Her Walls

Bidulata's Daughter Grinds Freshly Harvested Rice to Make a Paste

Bidulata's Daughter Uses Her Fingers To Apply Paste to a Floor Diagram

Bidulata's Home in Bantaligram, Puri District, Orisaa

Another Farmhouse Across the Village Pond

Footrprints of the Goddess Lakshmi Lead Across the Treshhold and into Bidulata's Home

Bidulata Paints a Lotus Inside Her Home to Create A Temporary Shrine For Goddess Lakshmi

Bidulata Paints a Lotus Inside Her Home to Create A Temporary Shrine For Goddess Lakshmi

Bidulata Welcomes the Goddess Lakshmi Into Her Home

One of Exterior Walls of Bidulata's Home Painted with Symbols to Welcome Lakshmi Inside

Once the 3-Day Ritual is Over, Bidulata's Home Returns to Normal

Bidulata Covers Her Recentlly Painted Walls with Mud Mixed with Cowdung to Create a Palette for New Artworks

Stephen's Friend, Bidulata Hota
Maharajah Gaj Singh of Jodhpur

Maharajah Gaj Singh of Jodhpur
Maharajah Gaj Singh ("Bapji ") at Home
Maharajah Gaj Singh of Jodhpur

Maharajah Gaj Singh of Jodhpur
Offical Portrait of Maharajah Gaj Singh
Maharajah Gaj Singh of Jodhpur

Maharajah Gaj Singh of Jodhpur
Royal Family of Jodhpur (Bapji, His Mother, The Maharani Hemlata Devi, the Crown Prince Shivraj Singh, and Princess Shivranjani Rajye)
Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri

Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri
Brahmapuri - the So-Called Blue City of Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri

Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri
Brahmapuri - the So-Called Blue City of Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri

Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri
Brahmapuri - the So-Called Blue City of Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri

Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri
Cows Have Right of Way on the Narrow Streets of Brahmapuri, Jodhpur
Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri

Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri
A Woman Paints Her Home's Walls With A Fresh Layer of Blue Pigment For the Diwali Festival
Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri

Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri
Closeup of Repainting A Brahmapuri Wall
Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri

Jodhpur's Blue City of Brahmhapuri
Homes in Brahmapuri, Jodhpur, Are Painted Inside and Out For Each Diwali Festival
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Children Squirting Coloured Water on Holi in Blue City
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Children Playing Holi in the Blue City
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Men Playing Holi in Blue City
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Men Playing Holi in Blue City
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Stephen Playing Holi in Blue City
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Women & Boy Watching Holi Frivolities in Blue City
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Holi at the Umaid Bhawan Palace
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Holi at the Umaid Bhawan Palace
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
The Crown Prince & Friends Playing Holi at Umaid Bhawan Palace
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Gaj Singh, Maharajah of Jodhpur Playing Holi
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Maharani Hemlata Rajye Playing Holi
Playing Holi in Jodhpur

Playing Holi in Jodhpur
Stephen Later in the Day on Holi

Phulo Covers Her Wall With Camel Dung, Motisingh ki Dhani

Phulo Uses a Stick as a Paintbrush, Motisingh ki Dhani

Phulo's Complex Geometric Abstraction on her Wall in Motisingh ki Dhani

Motisingh ki Dhani, Jaisalmer District, Rajasthan

Shelf Niches inside Phulo's Home - Motisingh ki Dhani
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Painted Prayers Cover, Rizzoli & Thames&Hudson, 1994
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Peintures Sacree de l'Inde, French Edition, Arthaud, 1994
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Die Bilders Indiens, German Edition, Frederking Und Thaler, 1994
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Rabari Artist Applies Clay Border for her Home's Bas Relief, Bhujodi, Kachchh, Gujarat
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Rabari Artist Applies Clay 7 Mirrors to Household BasReleif Decoration, Bhujodi, Kachchh, Gujarat
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Household Bas Relief in Ludiya Village, Kachchh, Gujarat
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Wall Decoration in a Woodcarvers Village, Ludiya, Kachchh, Gujarat
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Interior of a Home in Ludiya, Kachchh, Gujarat
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Unmarried Women Create Athapoovidal (Flower Kolams) Outside Their Home. in Trivandrum, Kerala
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
An Unmarried Girl Creates an Athapoovidal Outside Her Home in Trivandrum, Kerala
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
A Finished Athapoovidal, Trivandrum, Kerala
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Mud Bas Relief on a Doorway in Chhindwara DIstrict, Madhya Pradesh
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Mud Bas Relief on a Doorway in Chhindwara DIstrict, Madhya Pradesh
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Bas Relief Lions on a Courtyard Wall, Chhindwara DIstrict, Madhya Pradesh
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
Mina Tribal Artists Create a Mandana on the Floor of their Courtyard in Sawai Madhopur District, Rajasthan
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
A Mina Artist Uses White Lime Pigment to Adorn Her Threshhold, Sawai Madhopur District, Rajasthan
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
A Mina Artist Paints An Elephant & Rider on her Wall, Sawail Madhopur District, Rajasthan
Painted Prayers

Painted Prayers
An Elaborate Mina Wall Painting in Sawai Madhopur District, Rajasthan
Painted Prayers Exhibitions

Painted Prayers Exhibitions
Painted Prayers Exhibition Entrance at the National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian, Washington DC
Painted Prayers Exhibitions

Painted Prayers Exhibitions
A Local Hindu Artist Completeing a Kolam Inside the Painted Prayers Exhibition, Smithsonian
Painted Prayers Exhibitions

Painted Prayers Exhibitions
Painted Prayers Exhibition Poster on DC Street
Giving Books

Giving Books
Giving Bidulata Her Copy of Painted Prayers
Giving Books

Giving Books
Giving Bidulata Her Copy of Painted Prayers
Giving Books

Giving Books
Handing Out Pages of Painted Prayers in Blue City
Giving Books

Giving Books